Friday, September 9, 2011

Batumi Raptor migration watch

On the 28th of August we had more then 50 000 Honey Buzzards, around 15 Booted Eagles, 5 Short toed Eagles, Montagu's Harriers, Pallid Harrier, Peregrine Falcone, Lesser spoted Eagle.

The Batumi bottleneck is one of the most important birdwatching sites in Eastern Europe, where migratory birds concentrate en route to Africa and southern Asia. The bottleneck occurs at the location where the mountains of the Lesser Caucasus, covered with humid relic forests, descend to the Black Sea coast. The density of migrating birds that can be watched from the site is higher than any other place in the Caucasus region. Each fall thousands of birds of prey soaring in thermals migrate through the site. Common Buzzards are the dominant species, but many Black Kites, European Honey-buzzards, Northern, Montagu’s, Pallid and Western Marsh Harriers, Eurasian and Levant Sparrowhawks, Eurasian Hobbies, Common and Lesser Kestrels, Red-footed Falcons, Merlins, Ospreys, Short-toed Snake-eagles, Lesser Spotted Eagles, Greater Spotted Eagles, Imperial Eagles, Steppe Eagles, Booted Eagles, and White-tailed Eagles could be seen as well. Smaller numbers of Northern Goshawks, Peregrine and Saker Falcons, Golden Eagles, and Rough-legged Buzzards are regularly spotted. Other species to watch for include other soaring birds like storks and pelicans as well as a good variety of waterfowl and shorebirds.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Spring 2011

Birdwatching season spring 2011 is over; all the groups had safe and successful trips. In this year we hosted individuals and groups from countries such as; UK, Netherlands, Italy, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and USA. Furthermore, except the target birds during this season groups had chance to observe rare birds for Georgia such as: Radde’s Accentor, Crimson-Winged Finch, Blue Cheeked Bee-Eater, White-Tailed Plover and Red-Rumped Swallow.
Some mammals seen during the trips: Eastern Tur (Capra Cylindricornis), Alpine Chamois, Wolf, Red Fox, Golden Jackal, European Lynx, Roe Deer, Weasel, Jungle Cat with five kittens, European Hare, Libyan Jird.

For the pictures please visit the link:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trip to Chachuna and around Vashlovani National Park

Birdwatching season for the 2011 is opened; was made our first weekend trip for this year in one of the birding hotspots of Georgia, Chachuna and Vashlovani NP. Target bird for this trip was Little Bustard, usually those birds can be seen on wintering grounds such as Chachuna and Iori upland. This is a hilly area, with plenty of gorges, which gather into valleys or vanish into plains. The hills are composed of low ridges with naturally eroded slopes. Trip was very successful and on the first morning we found a three different flocks of this nice birds in total approximately 10 000 birds.

Furthermore there was seen other species such as: Common Buzzard, Long-legged Buzzard, Common Kestrel, Marsh Harrier, Hen (or Northern) Harrier, Rock Dove, Stock Dove, Calandra Lark, Eurasian Skylark, Crested Lark, Grey Wagtail, Mistle Thrush, Great Tit, Corn Bunting, Chaffinch, European Goldfinch, Eurasian Siskin, Twite, Rock Sparrow, Common Starling, Red-fronted Serin, Great Crested Grebe, Dalmatian Pelican, Great Cormorant, Pygmy Cormorant, Grey Heron, Great White Egret, Ruddy Shelduck, Mallard, Common Pochard, Smew, Common Coot, Common Raven, Hooded Crow, Common Black-headed Gull.

Pictures from the trip to Trip to Chachuna and around Vashlovani National Park available at://